Wednesday, April 9, 2014

So, this is my part of a project we had in class that was to create a colour wheel. We were to use only traditional media to create it and had to use magazine pieces from all sorts of different articles to get the different tint and shades you can see here.

I started with the more "easier" to find colours like red and orange. Oh yes, I found lots and lots of orange. We (my group, we all have our individual collages but worked together to collect the pieces) then proceeded to work on collecting greens and blues, topping it off with purples. We tried to make ours appear as if the colours were fading into each other but as you cans see with the purple section of mine that is easier said then done. Especially when you only have a handful of magazines to choose from. Never minding that, I am pleased with my work and here is my colour wheel for you to enjoy.


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