Tuesday, February 18, 2014

So here today we have the class project we our class was working on earlier last week; but apparently couldn't post because of computer complications. I, myself was sick during the days we worked on this assignment so I apologize for any quality loss or very evident mistakes I made. Regardless please enjoy this picture I've titled Giant Food.

It was a very basic Photoshop project that involved taking the provided pictures on the SaundersASM3O website and cutting them out to paste on a single layer. For the curly hair it is suggested that you use the magic wand tool in Photoshop to select and simply go over selecting areas it missed. I, however do not like using the magic wand tool because I find it can be inaccurate and select areas I do not want from the original image. Sometimes it even skips out on areas at all and it annoys me having to rely on that particular Photoshop tool. Instead I used on my home computer the Polygonal Lasso Tool, simply because the magnetic lasso tool does not work well on my computer.(It will often close the selection before I have even reached the end or clicked to add a drop point.) Carefully I selected the entire giant image and went over briefly with the eraser tool after words in order to clean it up a bit. Then I repeated the process with the food image (the boy), which came in great help towards the bottom of the image since his shoes and pants blended in with the rest of the image. Finally I just took both images and stuck them onto the forest file, saved it as GiantFood as both a PDF and GIF image to be save.


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