Thursday, May 22, 2014

Today in Media Arts we were assigned to create business cards for our fake company. In my groups case with Julie Thanaparamy (Whose blog you can view here!) we decided to go with a simple design for our fake company SPLATONIC. Here, I have designed two business cards for each of us with the basic information on it. It has our slogan "Get Ready. Get Splat." our company name SPLATONIC and our logo to the right hand side. It also has a phone number below and the company title and name of employee.

It was a simple to make business card with selecting the correct measurements in photoshop and selecting the Rough Round Bristle and increasing the size from 100 to around 130 or 150. Then I brushed along the edges and moved off the canvas as I was brushing the create the affect I did. My advice would be for more accuracy to use the lasso tool and ruler tools to measure out ideally about how even you want your borders to be.


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